Monday 14 December 2015


All round the clock your body organs like lungs, liver, spleen, intestines etc. work to provide the best and most needed nutrition and eliminate the wastes or toxins from your body. Colon is one such organ designed to eliminate the wastes as fecal matter. This fecal mass that has not been eliminated adds to the weight. Instead of water and nutrients, toxins and harmful gases are absorbed into the system leading to lot many health issues. Bloating, constipation, indigestion, frequent headaches and migraines, heartburn, cramps etc are some of the symptoms of delayed or incomplete elimination. You feel lighter and happier once the wastes are flushed out of system.  A  clean colon can help you to have a clear thought process and a lighter body.

Healthy lifestyle, eating habits lays path to healthy colon but time is the key factor. Colon hydrotherapy is a procedure that helps you get your colon clean to the necessary  level, instantly and safely with no side effects. Along with colon hydrotherapy, essential changes in diet and training of bowel movements you can overcome majority of issues associated with colon. As we see the number of colon cancers rising up, there needs to keep a check, to keep the colon clean and healthy in the best possible ways. High red meat consumption, Low fiber in diet, insufficient water intake, lack of activity, etc could be the reasons for chronic constipation possibly leading to  colon cancer. Colon hydrotherapy might not be the ultimate solution for constipation but definitely one of the effective ways in treating constipation.  Purgatives and laxatives do give temporary relief, but are habit forming, Enema has been into practice for a long time but still we see few side effects as dehydration and abdominal discomfort, hence the safety and benefits of colon hydrotherapy is increasingly being recognised, leading to a rising demand for Colon Hydro Therapy.
Understand the need to keep your system clean and healthy for a healthy body and mind.

Monday 16 November 2015


The festive season is in, so is the time to party hard. One can’t resist these delicious treats from traditional meals to the late night party treats. Even the most health conscious people tend to over eat during such special occasions. There is no big surprise in stomach being upset over these feasts. Symptoms may range from belching, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal reflux, gastroenteritis and many associated issues. Certain acute symptoms require immediate medical attention which cannot be ignored. Though not everybody experience this, but surely few do face these problems. Don’t let the happy spirit of celebrations sink with the treats you relish.
However colon hydrotherapy offers you excellent relief from all of these gastro intestinal problems arising from overeating or from deviations from your regular diet. Counter the abdominal bloating, belching, constipation , pain and discomfort with this colon cleanse that helps you flush the colon. This 30 minutes procedure will get you back to the normal routine at the earliest. If the symptoms are really too mild it would take around a couple of days to settle with your digestion and that followed with normal eating habits that which does not aggravate your trouble. Do not neglect your digestives issues or oversee to treat yourself with over the counter medications.
Celebrate the special moments as you relish your treats but take a step ahead to resolve your underlying gastro intestinal troubles with colon hydrotherapy for a healthy and happy you.

Thursday 5 November 2015


Being over weight has become an epidemic in our society. We all talk about the foods to be eaten, the exercises to be done in order to loose the extra pounds. But have you ever wondered why all these diets and all the efforts you make go wrong? Here are few reasons why your diets fail and the ways how you can correct them in order to loose weight effectively.

1) Underestimating calorie restriction - Calorie restriction is the first thing that comes to any one’s mind the moment  you talk about diet or  weight loss  If you start a weight loss program that relies on calorie restriction alone, it will probably be less effective than a combination of calorie restriction and exercise. Not only will you burn additional calories through exercise, you will also prevent your metabolic rate to drop, allowing you to maximize the daily calorie deficit (and fat burn)

2) Inability to deal with your cravings - Oh yes, this is the main reason why almost every advanced  weight loss  programmes in the world fail. Not able to control your cravings. Try a cheat meal once in a week as a treat to you.

3) Bad sleeping habits - Studies have shown that people who get fewer than six hours of sleep have higher levels of ghrelin, which is a hormone that stimulates appetite, particularly for high- carbohydrate and high-calorie foods. Try to sleep at least for 7-8 hours.

4) Not eating enough - You know breakfast is the most important meal of the day and so are other meals. Eat small portions of snacks and meals through out the day. If you wait for long hours between your meal you could be slowing your metabolism. So eat four to five small meals or snacks every four hours throughout the day.

But sometimes all these aren't enough. What will really help in an effective weight loss is combination of  right diet and exercise and colon hydrotherapy. Colon hydrotherapy is to get your digestive system back to its normal function. "Colon cleansing" "colonic irrigation" "colon hydrotherapy" or simply "colonic" are couple of synonyms used. This procedure is gaining popularity. The reason being that, it enhances your bowel movement. So, colon hydrotherapy can be used as an additional procedure along with a balanced diet and exercise in order to get rid of the colon waste and toxins leading to feeling of lightness, strength and overall good health.

Tuesday 27 October 2015


You are returning from a pleasant evening with your near and dear after an enjoyable dinner and slowly but surely you might start experiencing some discomfort in your tummy that seems to negate the great evening! You start feeling a little later that it would have been better had you had avoided some food which might be the cause for the discomfort.Finally you might be feeling that the pleasure of the evening is taken away with the discomfort you had to cope with for the next few hours, the feeling of fullness, bloating and the gradually raising pain in the tummy that make you restless and miserable.Yes you need to wake up to the reality of having to deal with Indigestion and related symptoms.If these symptoms are recurring regularly then you are very likely to be suffering from INDIGESTION that needs urgent attention.
To be able to fix INDIGESTION you should  know the reasons for your indigestion - Eating too much, eating too fast, eating fatty or spicy foods, alcohol consumption, caffeine, smoking, stress are few of the lifestyle triggers of indigestion.Our digestive system secretes 3 different enzymes to digest a regular combination protein, carbohydrate and fatty food when we consume a regular food. When we consume food that contains higher quantities of any these, the digestive system fails to complete the digestion. When this occurs, the undigested food creates gas in the intestine, heartburn, also the feeling of becoming fullness and bloating.Indigestion if not treated early enough can irritate the lining of your stomach and erode the mucosal lining of your esophagus or stomach.
A healthy and balanced diet is a good way to start with. It will reduce excess acid caused due to indigestion.  Here is a tummy-friendly diet you can follow.
1) Fill up with loads of fiber in your diet. You can get fiber from ample of sources, such as wholemeal bread, brown rice, fruit and veg, beans and oats.
2) Drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water will aid in digestion. In fact for the fiber to do its job,water is needed. Without it you will be constipated.
3) Cut down on junk food and greasy food- Fatty foods, such as chips, burgers and fried foods, are difficult to digest and can cause stomach pain and heart burn. Cutting back on greasy fried foods eases your stomach's workload.
Not only will eating these types of foods helps in controlling indigestion, it will help to reduce heartburn too. In addition to that, it will also help to cleanse the body and protect against other diseases as well.
A sure fix to re-train your bowel and normalize the peristalsis is COLON HYDROTHERAPY
Colon hydrotherapy is specially formulated to help you maintain normal, healthy digestion.  The better your digestion, the more nutrition you receive from the foods you eat. Colon hydrotherapy is designed to support the health and balance of the intestinal tract by providing healthy micro flora in combination with diet and supplements such as probiotics.

Monday 12 October 2015

Treatment for abdominal gas/ flatulence (Farting)

Passing gas from the digestive system is referred as flatulence also called farting. There are mainly four reasons for the formation of gas in the digestive system.
The commonest reason for gas in the digestive system is swallowing air during eating or drinking leading to bloating. Sucking on hard sweets or popsicles, drinking carbonated drinks, chewing gums, gulping in food or eating too quickly are the reasons for swallowing air. The oxygen, carbon dioxide and carbon mono oxide in the swallowed air is absorbed, utilized and exhaled respectively. The nitrogen that cannot be absorbed by the body is passed down the digestive tract.  
The second commonest reason is untimely food or irregular food habits which disturbs the circadian rhythms leading to high acid production which in turn lands you into excessive flatulence or bloating.
The third reason in addition to such irregularities is certain foods like lentils, cruciferous vegetables etc. aggravate bloating because of the accumulation of digestive gases such as hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide. Sweeteners like sorbitol and fructose increases the bloating.
Last but important reason for bloating and flatulence is certain Health conditions  that adds up to the existing bloating problem such as constipation, gastroenteritis, food (lactose) intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome and celiac disease. In most of the above condition the underlying cause is colonization of the GI tract by pathogenic bacteria that produce gas.
Certain medications also add to this condition.
The only long lasting solutions to this flatulence or farting is the COLON HYDROTHERAPY. The cleanse of the colon with a controlled pressure and temperature of water removes most of the accumulated hardened stools, toxic gases and harmful bacteria.
Improved digestive system:
Undigested waste, hardened stool are eliminated from the system. This waste serves a breeding ground for the bacteria producing toxic gases and may lead to illness. These gases are eliminated with the colon hydrotherapy improving the colon health.
Prevents constipation:
The colon hydrotherapy improves gut peristalsis which initiates the bowel movement. This prevention of constipation will minimize the problem of abdominal gas or bloating.
Increased nutrient absorption:
The colon hydrotherapy is a procedure where in the colon is carefully flushed to the deepest folding of the intestines causing the waste removal.

Ultimately the colon hydrotherapy gets us rid of all the unwanted waste and toxic gases from the colon leading to lighter feeling and overall health improvement.

Monday 5 October 2015

                                Treatment on Constipation through Colon Hydrotherapy

We tend to take care of all the major organs of our body such as heart, lungs, kidneys, brain and skin but, we neglect our colon. Being constipated or bloated are so common in our present day stress filled life that we don’t actually understand this as a problem. People tend to suffer with complaints of constipation, bloating, indigestion, gas. We keep trying various modes of treatment but there seems to be no end to it. We don’t realize that the colon is the gateway for our wellness or illness.

“Of all the polite topics of conversation, the state of one’s intestines is never discussed and if at all talked about, it is probably at the bottom of most people’s lists. Let’s face it: Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, gas, diverticulitis and colon cancer are not the things we like to discuss with ease. And yet, as the old expression goes, death begins in the colon. Don’t believe it? Ask any coroner. Autopsies often reveal colons that are plugged up to 80 percent with waste material.” – Vegetarian Times, March, 1998.

By definition, Constipation is characterized by difficulty or infrequently passing bowel movements or hard stools. Insufficient fiber and liquids in your diet, sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical fitness, ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement are few factors that may cause these symptoms. Also, certain diseases like hypothyroidism, lupus, diabetes, multiple sclerosis can also lead to constipation. It seems to be a mild problem but ignorance can land us into a complicated health disorders. Constipation aggravates the putrefaction by the bacteria and yeast, which release toxic gasses and acids. The released substances cause inflammation and damage the intestinal walls which later enter the blood stream via the intestinal walls causing many ailments. The solution to this is not just laxatives. Once you start taking laxatives your body soon gets accustomed to it and we are forced to either increase the dosage or go for a stronger laxative. Can we hope to have a laxative free permanent solution to these troubles???

Yes, Thanks to a holistic approach to correct the functions of the digestive system with the help of COLON HYDROTHERAPY, diet and changes in lifestyle.

Colon hydrotherapy is the process of cleaning the colon with the help of pure, safe, sterile, filtered water at a controlled pressure, controlled flow and controlled temperature infused gently into the colon by a sterilized rectal nozzle. Unlike enema where there is no control of temperature and water pressure. This entire procedure lasts for about 30 minutes. Colon hydrotherapy helps in removing the toxins and hardened stool from the colon. Colon hydrotherapy works in elimination of harmful bacteria, enhancing the production of SCFA, thus improving the bowel peristalsis which actually reduces constipation

This is a complete hassle free procedure. There is no pain, no odor. Thus with colon irrigation in combination with necessary changes in diet and life style say goodbye to constipation!

Monday 28 September 2015

                                               5 Tips for weight loss

Controlling Hunger

At the root of weight loss lies hunger. Hence the first tip is all about controlling hunger so that hunger controls you.
If your diet consists of natural food, you will have a satisfied meal. If you have a lot of processed food, you will always feel hungry because you will never be really satisfied. Natural food helps in improvement of digestion as well. Lot of fine carbohydrates and sugar will also not contribute to satisfaction and always will keep you hunger. If you can really be satisfied of your meal and feel full, that’s the first step towards losing weight

What Drinks do you really need?

The calories which we drink are perhaps the most serious calories we consume. We generally don’t associate weight gain to sugary drinks like what we do in the case of Chocolates and fast food. But the reality, the every gulp you take of heavy sugary carbonated drinks, the effect you can feel on your thighs. Sugary drinks do turn into fats and do cause weight gain. By cutting down sugary drinks from your diet, you will be cutting down huge amounts of calories that you can never even imagine. If you can replace these sugary drinks with healthier beverages like coconut water, you will contribute a lot to your own weightloss. Other healthier beverages would be Green Tea, fruit flavored water
Diet Coke! Is really diet friendly?

The names you see on the drinks and various food products like, ‘Diet’, ‘Lite’, ‘Healthy’ are purely for marketing purpose. One needs to be smart enough to read the ingredients. When you read those ingredients and still want to continue consuming, you are almost dumping Toxic sludge into your body. These products are likely to have artificial sweeteners which might cause metabolic imbalance and it will not help you lose weight.

Eat Fats

Over a few decades the focus is on ‘Fat Free food’, ‘Skimmed Milk’ and everybody talked about how fats cause problems, heart diseases etc. But people have slowly started realizing that it is actually carbohydrates and sugars which cause obesity and leading to heart disease.  Fats are important for the body metabolism, health of our brain and for heart functioning. In fact fats will make us full and satisfied and doesn’t cause frequent hunger. Its really strange but healthy fats will actually help in weight loss.

Does Starvation help?

If you think starving for a day will help you exhaust calories you have in your body and in turn help you reducing weight, then it’s a myth you need to stop. May be initially you will lose weight but it is definitely not a sustainable way for weight loss. The body will hold onto every possible weight because of the stress it undergoes because of starvation. In pursuit to lose weight, you will hurt your body and create a stress full situation and will not help you losing weight. Instead of focusing on losing calories, one needs to look into what calories to take. The right food with right nutrients will help you getting satisfied with your hunger and add healthy calories which actually will not cause weight gain.

Monday 21 September 2015

What is Colon Irrigation

Life has become a tragedy of unbalanced nutrition and lifestyle leading to many diseases. Unfortunately every one of us are caught up with conditions like constipation, flatulence, bloating and dyspepsia which do not seem to have a solution in sight. It can wreck your life. The feeling of rectal discomfort, fullness, heartburn and bloating not to speak of farting can push you up the frustration ladder. These frustrations can stifle your progress or affect interpersonal relations.Fortunately we have a solution for it in the form of Colon irrigation also called Colon hydrotherapy.

Before we begin with what Colon irrigation or Colon hydrotherapy actually is and how it will help us get rid of our problems, let us look at some interesting facts about it.  The Princess of Wales i.e. Princess Diana, Hollywood legend Mae West, John Lennon were ardent fans of this therapy. Princess Di says that it pumps up her energy and keeps her looking young. She even credits the treatment with curing her fatigue, allergies, depression, and infections. “I can actually feel the toxins being flushed out of my system while I’m on the table,” Di mentioned it to her buddy. It’s surprisingly pleasurable and comforting. It makes me feel brand new and pure.

Colon irrigation also known as Colon hydrotherapy or colonics is the elimination of toxins from your colon. By definition Colon irrigation is the removal of waste from our colon without the use of drugs and application of filtered,safe and sterile water that passes gently into your colon to bring of warm water.

A colonic irrigation system is a device regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).The device is described in federal regulations as:…intended to instill water into the colon through a nozzle inserted into the rectum to cleanse (evacuate) the contents of the lower colon… The device consists of a container for fluid connected to the nozzle via tubing and includes a system which enables the pressure, temperature, or flow of water to be controlled.

Technically Colon irrigation can be used for retraining the bowel for healthy peristalsis, improvement of the bowel functions, elimination of the encrusted toxins that may be the cause of chronic diseases, detoxification, speeding up of metabolism, reducing constipation gas and bloating, improving the immune system, provides healthy environment for healthy bacteria, improves blood circulation. It can be also used as a part of weight loss program.

Monday 31 August 2015


Obesity is one of those words you keep hearing all the time. Despite of that, we tend to ignore the problem which may further result in major health problems. Being over-weight is a self-destructive process. We live in a super-fast era where we find short cuts for everything in our life.
We have lost the art of eating. With eating it actually means eating healthy. A recent study shows that India is the 3rd obese country after USA and China.Obesity ruins our life both outside as well as spoils our body from the inside. In our so-called modern life, we find it easier to grab a burger than to eat a home cooked meal.

Burgers,pizzas, fries, chocolates, chips and not to forget our soft drinks have become our best friends. It is because of our bad eating habits, we get afflicted with diseases at an early age. Technology has made everything so easy for us that we have forgotten what exercise is. We use elevators instead of stairs. We can pop our food in the microwave instead of standing for hours in the kitchen. Kids sit in-front of the computers and TV’s playing video games. So the lack of exercise results in being overweight.

Over the years researches have shown that obesity and the diseases affecting our body are due to genetics also. Obesity runs in families. If you have overweight relatives, you might be at risk too.Heart diseases, diabetes,hypertension,cancer,high cholesterol, stroke, sleep apnea, arthritis are diseases that don’t come overnight. The main culprit of all these life threatening and deadly disease-sis obesity.

So we need to protect ourselves from the devil that slowly kills us. In order to fix this problem we need to change our relationship with the food we eat, our life style. Eat well to live well and to look young. Bad eating habits,exercise, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption not only make you overweight but also speed up the aging process. So by maintaining and improving it, we can look healthy, young from both inside and outside!!

Wednesday 19 August 2015


Constipation is an acute or chronic condition in which bowel movements occur less often than usual or consist of hard, dry stools that are painful or difficult to pass. Almost everyone has constipation at some point of time. Constipation may not be a serious problem all the time, but over a period of time it turns chronic. You feel much energetic with nomental fog when your digestive system is normal. A normal stool should be soft, bulky and should be passed with ease and no strain.


Hard and painful stools, incomplete bowel elimination accompanied by pain in abdomen and bloating, nausea and vomiting, migraine and headaches, indigestion and discomfort are the symptoms one experience generally with constipation.


There are various reasons why we land into constipation in spite of regular care.

·         Inadequate fiber in the diet
·         Inadequate water / liquid intake
·         Excess of dairy products
·         Changes in usual diets
·         Eating disorders
·         Food intolerance
·         Sedentary activity
·         Pregnancy
·         Stress
·         Over use of laxatives
·         Iron supplements
·         Irritable bowel syndrome
·         Neurological conditions
·         Colon cancer
·         Neuro-muscular problems with the digestive system
·         Psychological problems
·         Medications like narcotics, antidepressants.
·         Hemorrhoids.

Foods to cut down when you are experiencing constipation:

Dairy products:

Limiton the consumption of Whole milk, cheese, butter and ice creams. They are high on fat content and low on the fiber which makes them move slowly in the gut causing impaired bowel movement. In case of severe constipation, it is advisable to avoid these food stuffs fora definite period of time.

Wheat products:

Limit the consumption of wheat during severe constipation. Easily digestible cereals that are gluten free will make your way easier. Avoid wheat during the initial phase of treatment for constipation; you can get back to its usage once you are over with it.

Sweets and desserts:

These high calorie foods mainly constitute high sugars, refined flours and high fat content. The hydration and fiber content being very low makes it easier for constipation.

Fast foods:

Most of the fast foods available are of refined foods which undergo further processing making them loose natural fluids and fiber content. Pizzas, burgers, chips, pastas, frozen foods, fries and lot more add to this group.

Alcohol and sweetened beverages:

Limit or avoid these high calorie beverages that tend to constipate you easily.

What Options do you have?

In addition to the long term regiment of nutritious food and healthy lifestyle; you will first need to bring your health from illness to wellness. One needs kick start this recovery with few sessions of Colon Hydrotherapy, mild prescription to clear out bad bacteria from the colon and counselling on bowel retraining and nutrition advice from a recognized doctorand nutritionist.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Why Water should be Your Drink of Choice? 

Water is involved in almost all biological functioning of the body, and healthy hydration triggers
metabolism like nothing else and reduces passing gas. Research suggests within 10 minutes of water intake, body metabolism rate increases by 30% for both men and women with low stress. Sufficient water in the system makes the calorie burning muscles perform better in digestion and helps you distinguish between hunger pangs and thirst cues.

Water also helps in temperature of the body. This is a magic liquid which forbea’sr passing gas and is the best one to keep the body temperature in control, Water is also important to keep sensitive tissues around nose, mouth and eyes moist.

Thursday 16 July 2015

8 Glasses of water is boring. How to make it interesting!

Though we understand the importance of water for our body, we don’t drink it because the taste is monotonous and doesn’t interest us much. You can have water in some of the following ways:

Luke warm water with Lemon and honey: Squeeze a lemon into luke warm water, add a tea spoon of honey. Drink this first thing in the morning. This serves the purpose of hydrating and also adding ‘C’ vitamin to our body

Coconut Water: Coconut Water is a rich source of Electrolytes and digestive carbohydrates. This helps in energizing the blood cells and keeps the body active. This is one of the richest source of potassium and tastes good. This can be your second glass of water

Green Tea: Green tea increases fat burning and boost the metabolic rate. One big cup after lunch or dinner will seve the purpose of good digestion as well as consumption of water in another form.

Fresh Fruit Juice: One glass of all season fresh fruit juice like water melon, oranges and grapefruit 2 hours before lunch will keep the blood cells active, serves as a cleanser and more importantly is a rich source of water.

Mint Burst: Add some fresh mint leaves and let them soak before you enjoy a simple water-mojito! This will add flavor gives a good taste to your taste buds

Spice Touch:  Simmer a cinnamon stick in a small amount of water. Add a few drops of the spiced water to your glass for an aromatic experience. It also lowers the negative effects of high fat meals.

These are few ways of making your water consumption experience more pleasant. Water consumption is very important to keep you skin active and active skin will keep you away from allergies and skin diseases 

Sunday 17 May 2015


I know it really pisses you off when you have to wake up early to go for a walk, but trust me if you can keep aside your sleep and laziness, your brain and body will thank you ! 

Go on , read the benefits of morning walks

1. Heart Healthy benefits:

Regular morning walk has super benefits on your heart. It lowers the LDL cholesterol which is a bad cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol and protects you heart .

2.Muscular strength: 
It increases the muscle strength by keeping the muscles on regular use. The muscles which benefits the most are calves, hamstrings, glutens, etc. It tones up your muscles and keeps it in shape . It also increases your muscle endurance. That's why people who walk regularly they have more endurance and strength to people who don't walk .
You can tone up your tummy, your bums and arms as-well . 

3. It keeps weight in check 

If you are overweight and obese, a morning walk will be beneficial. A regular morning walk will burn calories as well as it helps in improving metabolism which are both helpful in losing weight .

4. Brain Power : 

A regular morning walk will also improves your brain activity. Walking improves the blood circulation which mean a larger amount of oxygen reaches your brain which can make it active through out the day . A regular morning walking can treat dementia .

5. Prevents osteoporosis, too 
Morning walking will stimulate and strength the bones . keeps the joints health especially for women. 
6. Reduces stress:
As mention above a morning walk will benefit your body as well as your brain., so if the brain is active it controls the stress hormones and your you will feel better.
7. Better sleep :
when you exercise regularly , the brain and body is automatically healthy. The brain maintains a clock , when you get up early you tend to sleep early with a better sleep
8. It boosts your vitamin D levels
Vitamin D which is hard to get it from the food, can be easily obtained from a regular morning walking. In UK the people are less prone to sunlight so the levels of Vitamin D is low in them .  A regular exposer to sun without sun burn can fill your vitamin D levels which is an important factor in bone health and immunity
9. Diabetes and Hypertension:
Exercise burn glucose, burning of glucose results in more utilisation of insulin. This in turn improves blood sugar levels and help diabetes. Morning walking also have a suppressing effect on hypertension. 
10. It makes you happy:
Regular morning walking will realese endorphins , which acts like an anti depressants and when your body is healthy it make you happy !!