Wednesday 19 August 2015


Constipation is an acute or chronic condition in which bowel movements occur less often than usual or consist of hard, dry stools that are painful or difficult to pass. Almost everyone has constipation at some point of time. Constipation may not be a serious problem all the time, but over a period of time it turns chronic. You feel much energetic with nomental fog when your digestive system is normal. A normal stool should be soft, bulky and should be passed with ease and no strain.


Hard and painful stools, incomplete bowel elimination accompanied by pain in abdomen and bloating, nausea and vomiting, migraine and headaches, indigestion and discomfort are the symptoms one experience generally with constipation.


There are various reasons why we land into constipation in spite of regular care.

·         Inadequate fiber in the diet
·         Inadequate water / liquid intake
·         Excess of dairy products
·         Changes in usual diets
·         Eating disorders
·         Food intolerance
·         Sedentary activity
·         Pregnancy
·         Stress
·         Over use of laxatives
·         Iron supplements
·         Irritable bowel syndrome
·         Neurological conditions
·         Colon cancer
·         Neuro-muscular problems with the digestive system
·         Psychological problems
·         Medications like narcotics, antidepressants.
·         Hemorrhoids.

Foods to cut down when you are experiencing constipation:

Dairy products:

Limiton the consumption of Whole milk, cheese, butter and ice creams. They are high on fat content and low on the fiber which makes them move slowly in the gut causing impaired bowel movement. In case of severe constipation, it is advisable to avoid these food stuffs fora definite period of time.

Wheat products:

Limit the consumption of wheat during severe constipation. Easily digestible cereals that are gluten free will make your way easier. Avoid wheat during the initial phase of treatment for constipation; you can get back to its usage once you are over with it.

Sweets and desserts:

These high calorie foods mainly constitute high sugars, refined flours and high fat content. The hydration and fiber content being very low makes it easier for constipation.

Fast foods:

Most of the fast foods available are of refined foods which undergo further processing making them loose natural fluids and fiber content. Pizzas, burgers, chips, pastas, frozen foods, fries and lot more add to this group.

Alcohol and sweetened beverages:

Limit or avoid these high calorie beverages that tend to constipate you easily.

What Options do you have?

In addition to the long term regiment of nutritious food and healthy lifestyle; you will first need to bring your health from illness to wellness. One needs kick start this recovery with few sessions of Colon Hydrotherapy, mild prescription to clear out bad bacteria from the colon and counselling on bowel retraining and nutrition advice from a recognized doctorand nutritionist.

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